Tips For Soft Feets

Tips For Soft Feets

Moisturize your feet constantly. You can apply Vaseline to your feet to soften them. You should apply some type of moisturizing lotion or product to your feet on a daily basis.
  • During the night, put Petroleum jelly all over your feet and either wear socks or put a towel underneath so the jelly doesn’t get all over your bed sheets. Do this right before going to bed. [1]
  • You could also take 2 plastic bags the size for your feet, apply Vitamin E oil to your feet, secure the bags, put socks over the bags, and then fall asleep. By morning your feet should be a lot smoother.
  • Buy heel cream. Especially during the summer, feet often get rough and hard, due to calluses from walking with flip-flops or no shoes. The heels need special attention. At nice departments stores, you can find cream specially developed to soften heels, which often are the roughest part of the feet.
  • Coconut oil or olive oil are also great natural ways to soften the feet.
Make a homemade scrub. You can make homemade scrubs to apply to your feet out of common household ingredients. These scrubs, if regularly applied, will result in smoother and softer feet. [2]
  • Concoct a sugar scrub using brown sugar (1/2 cup), honey (a spoonful), olive oil (or any oil of your choice, also ½ cup), and lemon juice (squirt). Brown sugar is less harsh than regular sugar. It will help your skin retain moisture after the scrub. Honey will also help soften and moisturize the feet. Lemon juice brightens and evens out the skin on the feet.
  • However, many people warn strongly against using sugar or lemon on your skin, as they can cause lacerations and chemical burns respectively. If you use this scrub commonly, you may cause accelerated aging of the skin, along with other issues. If you have concerns about this, follow the recipe, but replace brown sugar with salt and don't add lemon. Salt is very good for the skin, and won't cause lacerations like sugar, while still exfoliating. The lemon does very little (besides burn you) in the first place, so replacing it isn't really necessary.
  • Sit on the edge of a bathtub. Soak your feet in very warm water for about 10-15 minutes to soften the skin on your feet and prepare the skin for the scrub. Then, taking small amounts of the scrub, start gently massaging your feet, focusing on specific areas like the heel and the ball of the foot (especially if you have callouses).
  • Massage the scrub into your feet for as long as you feel necessary. Leave the scrub on your feet for a minute or so, and then rinse off the scrub with warm water. After rinsing the feet, apply a generous amount of moisturizer to the feet, followed by a fair of fitted socks to ensure the moisturizer will remain on the feet, and penetrate the skin deeply.
Soak your feet. Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes before you go to bed. You need to do this several days a week. If you don’t regularly take care of your feet, calluses and toughness will start to build up, especially on your heels. [3]
  • Add a few drops of liquid soap and some baking soda (1 tablespoon for 5 liters of water) into the water (or try Epsom salts or bath salts).
  • Baking soda helps to soften the dead skin and will ease its removal. You could also soak your feet in a foot spa. You can buy these spas at many stores. They often plug in, generating spa-like movement in the water, which is relaxing.
